Deacon: Pam Woynicz
The Deacon's are putting together a Church Community Cookbook and we need your help!
Please submit your recipes be email or by dropping them off in the folder marked Recipes outside the narthex.
All recipes need to have the following:
Category: Appetizer/Beverage; Soup/Salad; Bread/Rolls; Vegetable/Side Dish; Main Dish; Dessers; Cookies/Candy; This & That)
From the Kitchen of: Name of Recipe/Item: Ingredients: Instructions:
Recipe can be a photocopy; typed or hand written. It does not need to be fancy it just needs to get to the right place so it can find its way into our cookbook. Please feel free to give any history of your recipe and we will try and get that information in too.
All recipes need submitted by Sunday Aug 20th so that we can meet the deadline for submission by Aug 31. This will garauntee cookbook delivery for Christmas. Cost of our cookbook will be $10. Look for an order form to be coming soon!